Today’s Calculus

Today's the day
the switch has been

making days last longer
making mornings darker

meaning I'm ready to work
and be less tired
while not waking any later
and not feeling sluggish this week

somehow, this calculus
isn't calculating

About dgSciGuy

High school science teacher--hoping to inspire wonder
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6 Responses to Today’s Calculus

  1. Every time change makes me lose so much time trying to adjust!

  2. Ha ha! I love your last two lines. good poem.

    Here’s a comic I suspect you’d enjoy:

  3. Yeah, I feel this although we’re not up for a couple more weeks in Europe. I never remember what I’m supposed to get used to. So those last lines truly resonate.

  4. I thought my kids slept late this morning, then I remembered it was Daylight Savings. Not looking forward to the darker morning ahead. At least not until next weekend when my alarm isn’t set for 5:30am!

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