Miles of Memories

–after Maurice Sendak

Driving west across the miles
through days and weeks
in and out of years
to a family dinner to celebrate one of
the holidays that mark the calendar--denoting
seasons, celebrations, times
to gather.

Memories ride front seat
reminders of
bigger families somehow smaller
grandparents now gone anchored
everyone and grandkids lived
and lounged in

Parents faded into the background for a
few hours

Arriving today to find that
travel has taken me back
through days and weeks,
in and out of years to a
place where parents have become
the grandparents and kids
are now the parents. Perpetuating
the cycle of memories and love
Making today the memories of the future.

About dgSciGuy

High school science teacher--hoping to inspire wonder
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4 Responses to Miles of Memories

  1. lvahey says:

    Love landing on this post today – those lines from Maurice Sendak, reminding us that we yearn to be where someone loves us best of all. You capture the (inter)generational love so well. What a gift this line is:

    “Perpetuating the cycle of memories and love” – yes, yes to this!

  2. Ramona says:

    You beautifully captured this cycle of memories in this poem.

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