Golden Memories

summer begins sun
sets at its latest

i mourn classrooms  
students will never know filled with
freedoms that existed 
at the beginning of my

Be careful longing
for the past /  you'll
miss the present
today will be tomorrow
's good old days 


don't our students deserve
classrooms that aren't pawns
in political polarization

Kyleen Beers reminds us kids 
still can't read
need our best selves
--the teacher they need 
not always the teacher we
want to be

in our classrooms anything
is possible

About dgSciGuy

High school science teacher--hoping to inspire wonder
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2 Responses to Golden Memories

  1. Erika says:

    Ack, I feel your words! It is a hard time in education for sure. It sounds like you are trying to “balance” it all. May the summer give you time and space to go forth again to do what you know is best.

  2. Especially when I retired at the end of 2022, I looked back at the “Golden Memories.” My first years teaching were so different from the last years. There were still great moments, but there were so many more stressful days…loss of freedom and choice.

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